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Updated: Oct 17, 2023

What role, if any, do emotions play in a chronic skin condition?


I always suspected this was true, but after the remarkable healing that took place before my eyes from December 2019 to April 2020, I had to re-assess what actually happened.

Yes, I did a 30 Day Cleanse which started the ball rolling on gut healing and liver detoxing. Yes, I treated the surface of my skin with a natural cream which killed the demodex mites and allowed skin healing to take place. Yes, I consistently took food-based supplements and high-quality targeted probiotics. Yes, I DRASTICALLY changed my diet from a “healthy” diet of bagels, pizza, and iceberg lettuce to organic, nonGMO foods, a HUGE variety of fruits and veggies, and a non-gluten and non-dairy approach.

But what else did I do?

I knew there was a connection to anger/deep resentment and some buried emotions. In Chinese Medicine, these emotions in particular are “stored” in the liver. And if you’ve been reading my site for a while, you know I talk about the liver/rosacea connection A LOT.

I figured there must be some sort of suppressed emotions going on in my liver. I’ve never considered myself to be an angry person; in fact I’m quite happy, positive, and forgiving. Yet there had to be something I was missing.

One day I read a quote a friend had posted, and it struck me.

I heard someone say “Don’t cross oceans for people who wouldn’t cross a puddle for you,” which I thought was good advice. But then someone spoke up and said “NO, do it, do cross oceans for people. Love all people, no conditions attached. No wondering if they are worth it. Life and love aren’t about what you gain, they’re about what you give.” And I changed my mind.

I thought about that quote all night, and how I’d always been the type of sensible person who “wouldn’t cross an ocean for someone who wouldn’t cross a puddle for me.” It was a mentality I’d developed as a child, a mentality of do things for others… who deserve it. A mentality of “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours,” an eye for an eye, etc. It occurred to me that this wasn’t actually who I was, it was an acquired behavior I thought I was supposed to follow.

What would happen if I shed that belief and started doing things for others simply for the joy I could bring to them? Looking for nothing in return, just GIVE. What a freeing way to live. Stop holding people in judgment, stop keeping tabs, stop being angry at people.

Over the years I’ve heard incredible healing stories from authors like Luise Hay and Georgie Holbrook. In Georgie’s book "The Rosacea-Acne Natural Remedy" she discusses her own miraculous rosacea healing based on a profound change in her thought pattern. These stories are incredibly telling. The mind is capable of so much more than we realize, including the healing of physical ailments.

In the past several years I’ve been in contact with thousands of you, guiding you through the healing process. Some of you see remarkable progress right away, while others take much longer. Some people come to me with the cleanest diet on the planet, and have already done the detoxes, cleanses, pure products, and yet still have ongoing symptoms after months and months. In these cases it would seem there has to be an emotional component that hasn’t yet been addressed.

Looking back at my own healing journey, it’s now clear to me that a significant mental shift took place in the midst of my progress. As I watched my gut, thyroid, and asthma heal unexpectedly, I became thankful for what rosacea had done for me. Rosacea made me acutely aware of my own health and how the dietary choices I’d made and environmental exposures I’d had had as a teen had drastically impacted my body. It also made me consider my thought patterns and certain criticisms I often felt towards others. Rosacea forced me to re-evaluate my diet, my relationships, my life, and the way I view the world. For that, I am forever thankful.

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